Moja global documentation style guide#

The moja global style guide specifies rules and standards to create developer and end-user documentation across the moja global projects. The style guide aims for simplicity and flexibility while documenting the length and breadth of the technical and user-facing details that concerns the overall documentation development in moja global. The primary objective of the style guide is to help the documentation writers and information developers maintain the style and consistency across all our projects while facilitating uniformity.


Moja global’s style guide serves the following purpose for our contributors and end-users:

  • Our style guide covers specific areas around grammatical, syntactical and content format. The rules and guidelines are not strict but informative.

  • The primary purpose of the style guide isn’t to enforce decisions of being right or wrong. It’s more about finding compatibility among existing documentation pieces and maintaining a standard.

  • The style guide is flexible and open to changes. The documentation context is another factor to shape the information.

  • The foremost importance is given to the clarity and the meaning of the documentation piece. The style guide should be just trusted as a standard to keep the documentation consistent.

  • Every documentation piece is developed with accessibility and inclusivity. We at moja global serve a global audience of developers, writers, scientists and users. We strive to make our project accessible for all.

Tools & Technologies#

At moja global, we use a variety of tools and technologies to document our products and services.

We use Markdown and reStructured documentation to document our products and services. Markdown is a markup language that allows us to write formatted text. We use GitHub flavoured Markdown, MDX and reStructuredText among our version-control projects. We use Google Docs and HackMD to collaborate internally and share feedback among the documentation development teams before pushing it to GitHub.

These tools are easy to learn and pick up. You can refer to open-source tutorials and guides on the same to pick them up fairly quickly. If you have any questions or doubts, please ask your peer or your mentor in the community to help you out.
