Input Tables#
In the input_database, there are 41 tables in total
The following represents the schemas of the tables
1. classifier_value#
ID |
classifier_id |
value |
description |
2. classifier#
ID |
name |
3. spatial_unit#
ID |
admin_boundary_id |
eco_boundary_id |
spinup_parameter_id |
4. admin_boundary#
ID |
name |
admin_region_id |
stump_parameter_id |
5. eco_boundary#
ID |
name |
eco_region_id |
6. disturbance_matrix#
ID |
name |
7. disturbance_matrix_value#
source_pool_id |
sink_pool_id |
proportion |
8. pool#
ID |
name |
9. decay_parameter#
base_decay_rate |
reference_temp |
q10 |
prop_to_atmosphere |
max_rate |
10. spinup_parameter#
ID |
historic_disturbance_type_id |
return_interval |
max_rotations |
mean_annual_temperature |
11. dom_pool#
ID |
pool_id |
12. transition#
ID |
transition_type_id |
age |
regen_delay |
description |
13. transition_classifier_value#
classifier_value_id |
14. land_class#
ID |
code |
description |
is_forest |
years_to_permanent |
15. admin_region#
ID |
name |
16. eco_region#
ID |
name |
17. disturbance_type#
ID |
disturbance_category_id |
transition_land_class_id |
name |
code |
18. disturbance_matrix_association#
disturbance_type_id |
disturbance_matrix_id |
19. forest_type#
ID |
name |
20. genus#
ID |
name |
21. species#
ID |
name |
forest_type_id |
genus_id |
22. vol_to_bio_factor#
ID |
a |
b |
a_nonmerch |
b_nonmerch |
k_nonmerch |
cap_nonmerch |
a_sap |
b_sap |
k_sap |
cap_sap |
a1 |
a2 |
a3 |
b1 |
b2 |
b3 |
c1 |
c2 |
c3 |
min_volume |
max_volume |
low_stemwood_prop |
high_stemwood_prop |
low_stembark_prop |
high_stembark_prop |
low_branches_prop |
high_branches_prop |
low_foliage_prop |
high_foliage_prop |
23. vol_to_bio_factor_association#
species_id |
vol_to_bio_factor_id |
root_parameter_id |
24. growth_curve#
ID |
description |
25. growth_curve_component#
ID |
growth_curve_id |
species_id |
26. growth_curve_component_value#
age |
merchantable_volume |
27. growth_curve_classifier_value#
classifier_value_id |
28. root_parameter#
ID |
hw_a |
sw_a |
hw_b |
frp_a |
frp_b |
frp_c |
29. growth_multiplier_series#
ID |
description |
30. growth_multiplier_value#
forest_type_id |
time_step |
value |
31. growth_multiplier_series_association#
growth_multiplier_series_id |
32. stump_parameter#
ID |
sw_top_proportion |
sw_stump_proportion |
hw_top_proportion |
hw_stump_proportion |
33. turnover_parameter#
ID |
foliage |
stem |
branch |
stem_snag |
branch_snag |
coarse_root |
fine_root |
branch_snag_split |
coarse_ag_split |
fine_ag_split |
34. transition_type#
ID |
name |
35. transition_rule#
ID |
transition_id |
disturbance_type_id |
36. transition_rule_classifier_value#
classifier_value_id |
37. disturbance_category#
ID |
code |
description |
38. accounting_rule_set#
ID |
disturbance_type_id |
spatial_unit_id |
39. accounting_rule_type#
ID |
name |
spinup |
40. accounting_rule#
accounting_rule_type_id |
value |
41. turnover_parameter_association#
eco_boundary_id |
turnover_parameter_id |