Datatype: JSON#
A JSON file stores simple data structures and objects in Javascript.#
In this example, we are using the LifeZone_moja.json file.
Viewing a JSON file can be very simple, and we don’t need any external library or dependencies.
Go through the given steps to open a JSON file in a jupyter notebook:
Import the JSON module
import json
Copy the file path of your JSON file and pass it as a parameter to the open() method
with open("LifeZone_moja.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)
{'layer_type': 'GridLayer',
'layer_data': 'Byte',
'nodata': 255,
'tileLatSize': 1.0,
'tileLonSize': 1.0,
'blockLatSize': 0.1,
'blockLonSize': 0.1,
'cellLatSize': 0.01,
'cellLonSize': 0.01,
'attributes': {'1': 'Tropical Dry',
'2': 'Tropical Moist',
'3': 'Tropical Premontane Wet, Transition to Basal - Pacific'}}
You can now view the JSON data.