Environment: Docker#

In the Docker environment option for setting up FLINT.example, only the run option is available. In case you want to develop or debug the repository code, please switch to the Visual Studio environments.


Building the docker image#

# from repository root folder
docker build --build-arg NUM_CPU=8 -t moja/flint.example:bionic .
Building the FLINT.example image using Docker

Building the FLINT.example image using Docker#

Commands to run using docker - stock result written to screen and results files create (./Run_Env/*.csv):

# from repository root folder

# For Linux
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/Run_Env:/usr/local/run_env -ti moja/flint.example:bionic bash -c "cd /usr/local/run_env/; moja.cli --config config/point_example.json --config config/libs.base.simple.json --logging_config logging.debug_on.conf"

# For Windows
docker run --rm -v %cd%/Run_Env:/usr/local/run_env -ti moja/flint.example:bionic bash -c "cd /usr/local/run_env/; moja.cli --config config/point_example.json --config config/libs.base.simple.json --logging_config logging.debug_on.conf"

For the RothC example, you may run this command:

# For Linux
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/Run_Env:/usr/local/run_env -ti moja/flint.example:bionic bash -c "cd /usr/local/run_env/; moja.cli --config config/point_rothc_example.json --config config/libs.base_rothc.simple.json --logging_config logging.debug_on.conf"

# For Windows
docker run --rm -v %cd%/Run_Env:/usr/local/run_env -ti moja/flint.example:bionic bash -c "cd /usr/local/run_env/; moja.cli --config config/point_rothc_example.json --config config/libs.base_rothc.simple.json --logging_config logging.debug_on.conf"
Running the examples using Docker

Running the examples using Docker#

Commands to run moja from within the docker - stock result written to screen and results files create (./Run_Env/*.csv):

# For Linux
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/Run_Env:/usr/local/run_env -ti moja/flint.example:bionic bash

# For Windows
docker run --rm -v %cd%/Run_Env:/usr/local/run_env -ti moja/flint.example:bionic bash

Then inside the running container:

cd /usr/local/run_env/
moja.cli --config config/point_example.json --config config/libs.base.simple.json --logging_config logging.debug_on.conf
moja.cli --config config/point_rothc_example.json --config config/libs.base_rothc.simple.json --logging_config logging.debug_on.conf

The Output files created are visible in the below screenshot:

Running the moja.cli

Running the moja.cli#

Output files created from runs Output files created from runs