
The moja global community strives towards accessibility in our software products and even in the documentation. Through accessibility, we strive for successful access to information and resources among people who might find it challenging to access them otherwise. We aim to bring contributors with limited ability to the forefront of our community to have them contribute and access our documentation easily.

The general guidelines for creating accessible documentation pieces are:

  • Maintain consistency across the documentation. Both in style and visuals by employing a fixed hierarchy.

  • Avoid language or word usage that is potentially biased for a group of people.

  • Focus on the audience that you are writing for and follow a conversation style of documentation.

  • Define acronyms, abbreviations, prerequisites initially and never assume the technical competency of the reader.

  • Use alternative text for multimedia elements wherever possible, and be conscious of the usage of visual elements.

Image accessibility#

  • Validate that the images, diagrams, graphs, icons possess a meaningful alternative-text description for a meaningful equivalent.

  • Use alternative text to describe what the image, digraph, graph or icon does, rather than what it looks like.

  • All images, diagrams, graphs, icons should contain a caption that should be self-explanatory.

  • Prefer the usage of SVGs over JPEGs and PNGs. SVGs scale on zooming and provide better context to the readers.

  • Don’t use images of text, terminal outputs, code samples and other information that can be displayed as text. Always transcribe text or terminal outputs as code blocks.

Text accessibility#

  • Follow a content hierarchy defined by the content strategy or the documentation plan for the project.

  • Use Heading-1 only once in the entire content piece. Use Heading-2 and Heading-3 for all the sub-headings (#, ##, ### in Markdown).

  • Headings should be correctly nested to indicate their relative significance in the documentation piece.

  • Avoid Camel-Case, inconsistent formatting and unnecessary capitalization of text.

  • Use a table of contents to provide a quick reference to the content.

  • Always break down your documentation piece into short paragraphs that are easy to consume in chunks and pieces.

UI accessibility#

  • Avoid documenting instructions and steps that rely on sensory characteristics of the UI and instead rely on what it is supposed to do.

  • Document the information that is presented in visual colours, in text format as well.

  • Avoid directional indicators, like above, below, top, while documenting User Interface Navigation.

  • Provide necessary feedback to designers and engineers on accessibility issues.

Multimedia accessibility#

  • Provide access to captions, transcripts or descriptions for audio and video content.

  • Avoid low-quality GIFs to display processes and workflows and instead rely on text and high-quality images.

  • Use proper colour combinations and contrast ratios, with a minimum ratio of 4.5:1.

  • Avoid auto-playing media and provide as much context as possible before a user clicks on any multimedia element.

  • Use a Screen Reader to verify your documentation piece before publishing it anywhere.