
The FLINT.example gives an example of how to build and run libraries using the FLINT framework. It is recommended to set up FLINT.example repository before setting up FLINT in order to get a better idea of how FLINT works.

The Docker file used here can be found in the Dockerfile file at the root of the repository. This Docker file builds from the image mojaglobal/flint:bionic which can be found in docker hub.

There are 3 different environemnts listed in this document to build and run the examples:

  • Windows - Visual Studio 2019: develop, run and debug
  • Visual Studio Code: develop, run and debug
  • Docker: run only

We currently have four different sample runs:

  • Test Module sample - Point level
  • RothC sample - Point level
  • Chapman richards - Point sample
  • Chapman richards - Spatial sample

The FLINT.example repository is available here under the moja global organisation on GitHub. Before proceeding to the instuctions for installing FLINT.example, please follow the following steps to clone this repository on your fork:

git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/FLINT.example.git

For more instructions on our GitHub fork, clone and pull request practices, refer our Git and GitHub Guide.
