Forest Enhancement Layer

The Forest Enhancement layer code creates the forest enhancement layers and adds the new growth curves, including enhancement in conservation areas. The input_pf and output_gcbm parameters provide the path of the input folder, where the permanent forest files are, and the output data for GCBM respectively.

The other parameters include year_t1 and year_t2 which consists of the permanent forest layer in the FREL for 2001 and 2010 respectively. n_quantiles denote the number of quantiles to represent the forest enhancement. On the other hand, age_stop_growth and age_max_curves represent the age at which the growth of the forest stops and the maximum age reflected in the growth curves respectively.

A shapefile is generated with all the enhancements in the permanent forest. We read from the permanent forest shapefile and the codes that indicate enhancement are 10002, 19999, 20000 and 4, 10001 in the “Carta” field. Do note that the change in CO2 (CAM_CO2) has to be positive.

pf <- st_read(dsn = input_pf, layer = layer_pf)

enhancement <- dplyr::filter(
  Carta %in% c("10002", "19999", "20000", "4", "10001"),
  CAM_CO2 > 0)

enhancement$year <- year_t1+1

Based on the yearly growth in volume we will create the new growth curves, which includes the yearly growth of each enhancement pixel, where we will consider the stock difference like 9 years (as in the FREL excel files). We will further divide the shapefiles into two, one for the enhancement that occurs in conservation areas while the other for the enhancement that occurs outside of conservation areas.

enhancement$year_grow <- enhancement$CAM_CO2 / 9

enhancement_c <- dplyr::filter(enhancement,ca_ras_erp>0)

enhancement <- dplyr::filter(enhancement,ca_ras_erp==0)

The quantiles are calculated, along with the mean growth of each quantile and the name of the enhancement disturbance according to the quantile (intensity level). The same process is repeated for the conservation enhancement.

enhancement$quantile <- cut(enhancement$year_grow , breaks = quantile(enhancement$year_grow, seq(0,1,length.out = n_quantiles+1)),labels=1:n_quantiles, include.lowest=TRUE)

means_quantile <- group_by(, quantile) %>% summarize(mean_quan = mean(year_grow))

enhancement$Origen_pa <- paste0("Forest ", "Enhancement Chile"," intensity lvl ",enhancement$quantile)

enhancement$Perturb <- "Enhancement"

Both of the enhancement shapefiles are put together and we select the necessary columns for our use case. After 9 years the forest will return to the “Bosque Inicial” (Initial forest) Origin and thus we will create a copy of the enhancement shape and change the origin classifier to Bosque Inicial. The enhancement stops one year after the FREL period (2001-2013) and we put everything together and write the shapefile as input for the tiler (GCBM).

enhancement_stop <- enhancement

enhancement_stop$Origen_pa <- "Bosque Inicial"

enhancement_stop$year <- year_t2+1

enhancement <- rbind(enhancement,enhancement_stop)

enhancement<-st_transform(enhancement, "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0")


write_sf(enhancement, paste0(output_gcbm, "/forest_enhancement_LosRios.shp"))

In a similar manner, we are going to modify the growth curves to reflect the enhancements and create the growth curves including all the forest enhancement curves. A loop that starts with the enhancement outside conservation areas and then with the enhancement inside degradation areas is initiated.

for (i in 1:(n_quantiles*2)) {
  if (i<= n_quantiles){
    enhancement_name <- paste0("Forest ", "Enhancement Chile"," intensity lvl ",i)
  } else {
    enhancement_name <- paste0("Forest ", "Conservation Enhancement Chile"," intensity lvl ",i-20)

  growth_base <- filter(growth,Origen %in% c("Bosque Inicial"))
  growth_base$Origen <- enhancement_name
  if (i<= n_quantiles) {
    year_grow <- unname(means_quantile$mean_quan[i])
  } else {
    year_grow <- unname(means_quantile_c$mean_quan[i-n_quantiles])
  year_grow_vol <- year_grow / (1.75 * 0.5 * 0.5 * (44/12))
  growth_curve <- seq(from= 0, by=year_grow_vol,length.out = ncol(growth_base)-4)
  growth_curve <- unname(rbind(growth_curve))
  growth_curve <- growth_curve[rep(seq_len(nrow(growth_curve)), nrow(growth_base)), ]
  growth_base[,5:ncol(growth_base)] <- growth_curve
  if (i==1){
    growth_full <- rbind(growth, growth_base)
  } else {
    growth_full <- rbind(growth_full,growth_base)

In a similar manner to create the growth curves for “No forestal” (non-forest) regions, a loop is initiated that starts with the enhancement outside conservation areas and then with the enhancement inside degradation areas.

for (i in 1:(n_quantiles*2)) {
  if (i<= n_quantiles){
    enhancement_name <- paste0("Forest ", "Enhancement Chile"," intensity lvl ",i)
  } else {
    enhancement_name <- paste0("Forest ", "Conservation Enhancement Chile"," intensity lvl ",i-20)

  growth_curve <- c("No forestal","No forestal",enhancement_name,"Not stocked",rep(as.numeric(0), ncol(growth_base)-4))
  growth_full <- rbind(growth_full,growth_curve)

Finally, we use the “non stocked” species so that the GCBM will ignore the growth, and append the non-stocked growth curves to the dataframe. The volume values are converted to numeric data and classifiers are converted to text. We finally write the CSV with the growth curves including the enhancement curves.