
To set up this project locally, follow the procedure below:

  1. Pull the docker image below to run flint.example:

    docker pull shubhamkarande13/flint.example:bionic
  2. Clone the FLINT.UI repository:

    When using submodules, the installation code needs to be:

    git clone --recursive

    Or, if you’ve already initialized the repository without the submodule:

    git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Now get inside the repository directory and build the docker-compose.yml file by following the below command:

    docker-compose up

    This will build all the docker images inside the docker-compose.yml file. It will take some time and after that, you can see all images listed in the Docker app.

    A screenshot of the Images tab in the Docker app on desktop showing the list of images on disk.

    docker-compose.yml file is composed of three services: flint.example.api, flint.gcbm.api, and flint.ui.

    Now you can start all the containers by clicking on the START button or using the command docker-compose up. You can also use the command docker start {name of the container} to start one specific container.

    The list of all containers will look like this in the Docker app:

    A screenshot of the Containers tab in the Docker app on desktop showing the list of containers.

    If you want to shut down a specific container, click on the STOP button of that specific container in the Docker app. You can also use the command line to stop a specific container by using the command docker stop {name of the container you want to stop}.

    To shut down the entire docker-compose.yml file and all the services inside it, use the command docker-compose down.


    You can also run docker-compose.yml in Detached mode. Detached mode, shown by the option --detach or -d, means that a Docker container runs in the background of your terminal. It does not receive input or display output. The command for running docker-compose up in Detached mode is docker-compose up -d.

  4. To view the UI, please navigate to It will look something like this:

    A screenshot of the FLINT-UI dashboard in a browser showing five routes and the side navigation pane.