GCBM Prerequisites

Before we take a leap into the process of development, please take a moment to verify if you have the necessary tools setup and skills to get started on this project. You should be familiar with the following:

Python 3.7

This document will guide you through the steps for installing the Python 3.7 environment required for running the pre- and post-processing tools for GCBM.

If you already have Python installed on your computer, follow the instructions in the section Existing Python Installation .

If Python is not already installed, follow the instructions in the section New Python Installation .

Existing Python Installation

  • Locate your existing Python 3.7 installation (where python.exe is located). If you have both 32 and 64-bit versions installed (common with ArcGIS), find the path to the 64-bit version.
  • From a command prompt in the python_3_installer directory, type: install_modules_only <python path>
Setting up modules for Existing Python Installation

Setting up modules for Existing Python Installation

New Python Installation

  • Verify that you have no existing Python 3.7 installation – it is not usually possible to install the same version in two different locations.
  • From a command prompt in the python_3_installer directory, type: install_python [optional install path]
Setting up Python and modules for New Python Installation

Setting up Python and modules for New Python Installation

Microsoft Access Database Driver

You may choose to skip this section if you have Microsoft Access installed.

If you do not have Microsoft Access installed, you will need to install a driver to connect to this type of database.

  • Double-click python_3_installer\installers\AccessDatabaseEngine_x64.exe
Installing Microsoft Access Database Driver

Installing Microsoft Access Database Driver

Visual C++ Redistributable Packages

Install the C++ packages required to run GCBM and supporting tools:

  • Double-click tools\VC_redist\install_vcredist.bat
Installing the C++ packages required to run GCBM and supporting tools

Installing the C++ packages required to run GCBM and supporting tools